this soft is one of the best anti ads. features: 1. PV Message Detection a- all message = if spy detects any msg, its sender id be banned and a copy of msg added to censor list b- hitler msg by censor list (contain mode) if msg in pv, contains one of the censor items, be banned c- hitler msg by censor list (equal mode) if msg in pv, equals one of the censor items, be banned 2. Room Message Detection (optional) a- hitler msg by censor list (contain mode) b- hitler msg by censor list (equal mode) c. hidden msg = if hidden msg appeared by a user, it leads to be banned as ads 3. Full Remoter + XML Console + Detailed Report 4. Interface Setting = App Background Color + Transparency 5. Save & Load (Data + Configs) as ‘.db’ file The application is totally written in english Writer NOTE: The best mode for this app = Pv All Msg + Room Censor (Equal) [both] ...